Experience Being ...JustBeing...

The therapy, healing and guidance here is unique and rare.

At the core of JustBeing there is grounded compassion, insightful guidance to help you recognize and develop your highest potential and the tools for peaceful presence.

There is connection for you in ways that address you as a Whole Human Being rather than just your psyche, just your physical challenges, or only your spiritual unfolding.

There are many experiences for healing and learning available through JustBeing. The most unique and comprehensive offering is a custom created personalized roadmap for personal evolution called "Life Tuning". It is a transformational Holistic Therapy. It is a highly personalized journey for healing and transformation that starts with a body-mind-spirit intake/assessment. You will receive a hard-copy analysis of what practices will specifically benefit your daily routines and your over-all health and well-being. This detailed personal analysis and instruction is a custom designed blueprint for tangible and significant personal expansion and conscious self-betterment.

Specific physical practices, breathing practices and meditations will be prescribed for you... specific to what your challenges are. The final elements of Life Tuning Therapy are customized NLP and Hypnosis exercises that help to re-frame and reverse the thought and behavior patterns that keep you repeating destructive cycles in your life.

Spiritual guidance is here for you, if you ask for and are open to it, giving complete respect and honor to your religious/ spiritual history and beliefs. Key to overall well-being in the therapies offered is "re-framing" which involves recognizing and positively changing negative mental, emotional, physical and behavioral habits. On a deeper journey, if you are ready for that, you may gain insight into spiritual patterns(samskaras). Together, we also address the physical challenges that you may have and an analysis will be made and given to you with detailed descriptions of daily physical practices. This will provide you with a clear plan for lasting change, sustainable confidence and strength in all aspects of your life. Absorb the insightful, compassionate and skilled solutions for your growth and healing with this unique body-mind-spirit guidance and therapy.