
Cut & polished loose and set-into jewelry gemstones

Rough Crystals of various minerals

Rough & cut and polished Moldavite. Loose and set into jewelry

Opals, amber and other loose gem materials

Gemmology is a science. A fusion of crystalography, chemistry and the physics of light. My immersion in the world of gemstones, in combination with a lifelong hunger for esoteric study over 35 years, has led me to uncommon insights and understanding. There is a synergy between the scientific facts regarding crystal structures and the metaphysical aspects of minerals as vessels and transmitters of light/ universal energy.

I actively work with gems and minerals as a gemmologist and as an independent gem dealer. I also continue to create custom pieces for individuals as objects of personal significance. Inquires regarding the arrangement of wholesale and retail gems and jewelry as well as individual identification, assessments and creation of custom pieces can be made through the contact page.